
By State Law, students are REQUIRED to be in attendance 90% of the school year. For SHARYLAND HIGH SCHOOL, that means students are allowed only 4 absences per 9 week period. Any absences over that number, regardless of the reason, will result in the student being denied credit in each period that the excessive absences occur.

Students  may regain credit using:
1. Prescribed Principal's plan
2. Attendance committee appeal letter

Appeal letters are not always necessary for credit recovery, but extenuating circumstances will not be considered without an appeal letter and all appropriate supporting documentation.

Make-up days for excessive absences must be cleared by the end of the next semester. Students will NOT be able to make up more than 10 make-up days per semester.

Students are only allowed 3 school days to change the status of an absence.
  • Students will now be able to recover loss of credit for attendance through specific tutoring or PLATO assignments. 
  • Each Student will be given a letter along with a pass that must be signed and turned in once their required credit recovery activities are completed.
  • This must be done prior to the end of the next semester.


Deadline to make-up days for each semester is on or before the following

First Semester December 22,2023
Second Semester March 22,2024
Third Semester May 30,2024
Fourth Semester August  2024