Career Preparation 1


Career Preparation 

Instructor: Heather Koeneke 

Room: 125 

Phone: 956-580-5300 ext. 1154 

Tutoring: Wednesday 4:00pm- 4:30pm (or by appointment) 

Conference: 3rd Block 11:51am- 1:21pm 

Course Description: Students receive general employability skills as a group and individual training that will address their job specific knowledge and skills. Students must meet requirements outlined in the contract that is signed by the student, parent, employer and teacher. Students must have a job by the ___ day of class or they will be removed from the Career Prep program. 

Course Objective: Provide opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success 

Grading Policy 

50% - Work-Based Training 

50% Classroom Instruction 

40% Daily Work, Quizzes, 

20% Tests, Projects 


• Writing Utensil 

• 1 1⁄2” Binder with 10 dividers 

• Notebook Paper 

• Online device for online classes 

Attendance, Exams and Assignments: Students are expected to attend class (attended google meets scheduled by teacher), participate in class discussions, and complete all labs, assignments, and activities. If you must miss a class for any reason, you are responsible for making up the work and collecting any notes/assignments that you missed. Makeup exams and assignments will be accepted at the instructor’s discretion. On the first day that you return to class, it is your responsibility to check with the instructor.

Classroom Expectations: This class will be operated in the manner of a professional learning environment. This environment includes: 

1. No food or drink in the computer lab. 

2. All electronic devices must be off and stored away unless permission is granted by the teacher. (devices will be taken up) 

3. Remain in your seat during class, you are not dismissed by 

the bell or the clock but by the Teacher. 

4. Respect your classmates, teachers and their property. 

5. Professional behavior and language is expected at all times. 

6. All assignments will be due no later than the due date assigned by the teacher. 

7. I will meet with my teacher/classmates on google meet as indicated by the Teacher, failure to do so will result in an absence. 

8. I will conduct myself in a respectful manner in class, on online meetings and at my workplace. 

After each class, save your work, log off, clean off your work area and push in your chair.